Saturday 27 October 2012

'Singing in the Rain', Celebrations, Culture and Fund Raising

Ann (Christine's sister), Christine, Charlotte (Christine's daughter) & Becky (Ann's daughter) at Waterloo Station

Ann, Myself, Christine and Becky
It been a very busy time just lately.  First thing was a day spent with my friend, Christine, and her family.  Us ladies spent the afternoon in London, to see 'Singing in the Rain'.

We decided to walk to the theatre but before going in we found a nearby pub which allowed us to sit outside to eat our packed lunches and have a coffee,unfortunately before we finished it rained but being typical English folk we enjoyed our impronto meal regardless.  Ann was the bravest, as we all couldn't squeeze under the awning she put up her umbrella, much to the amusement of everyone.

'The Palace Theatre
A closer view of the theatre.
The interval clean up after the rain scene. 
The show was absolutely amazing, knowing all the songs we all came out visualising ourselves taking part.  We couldn't resist putting ourselves behind the cut-outs.

Adrian (Charlotte's boyfriend), Becky, Brian (Becky's husband) Ian (Christine's husband), (whatever happened to Peter, he was sitting next to me. I know he'd offered to take these photos then the waitress offered so he should be here), myself, Christine and Anne.

Myself, Christine, Ann, Charlotte Adrian, Becky, Brian and Ian (Christine's husband).
 In the evening we were joined by the men for a meal at a local hotel.  Drinks, good food, chat and laughter with great company, what more could anyone ask for.

On the Monday, as one of a group of volunteers who will be manning our local library from January to keep it from closing, I visited Surrey's Performing Arts Library.  This is based in Denbies Wine Estate in Dorking, an amazing place in it's own right, (I'd like to visit this another time).  I hadn't even know this was here so was totally surprised by it's existance and what was here for people to loan.  The variety covers every gendre in the performing arts world, drama & theatre, music, dance and cinema.
The drama and theatre section have play sets and pantomines, children and foreign languages are catered  for.  Techniques for make-up, costume patterns and reference books, books on design and the history for theatre. 
There is music for singers, from shows through to folk and again for instruments for orchestras and individuals.  Teaching and learning aids are here too.  Books covering all aspects, history, biography etc.  A local artist has cards for birthdays etc with musical instuments as subjects on them.
Dance although mainly book-based there are audio visual tools.
Cinema is again covered by books of film personalities, film theory scripts etc.
All groups have DVD's and CD's and there are listening facilities and a piano. 
To think all this is available to everyone, not only Surrey residents but anyone in the country as all these type of libraries have a network amongst themselves as well as with local libraries.

Wednesday was the WI's 52nd Birthday, lots to eat and friends to chat with.

Today, Saturday, my friend Christine and I were sellers at a local car-boot sale, we were there to raise funds for The Wonderyears selling donations from the members and their families and friends.  I'm pleased to say we made a nice financial gain to add to our coffers.

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